
A Christmas mystery

Our season of Christmas has now come and gone.
The mystery of thirteen that's twelve still belongs
to that which goes with us from year unto year
and the mystery inspires us to true hope and good cheer.

Today is Epiphany, the Day of Manifestation. It is a special day of the Christmas season, in fact a holiday in many places (like Spain where they exchange gifts today). According to the tradition, it was on this day that the Wise Men arrived at Bethlehem bringing their gifts to the baby Jesus. In more general terms, an epiphany is an awakening, a sudden perceptive insight into the true essence of a thing, usually triggered by some mundane, everyday event or situation.

Oddly, if we start counting on Christmas Day, which I've done, today is the 13th day, so why is it still part of Christmas. The connection with the Magi is clear, and which doctrines the Church has derived from this are well known, too. There's a bit of a mystery here, is there not? Since we started with the astronomical facts of the sun's descent into darkness, it is only fair to tell you something astronomical at the end of the season as well.

We're all aware there are twelve months in a year, right? That is twelve solar months. It takes the earth this long to revolve around the sun one time. Marking time by the sun is not a given, however, both the Jews and Moslems base their calendars on the moon, and given that Christianity itself is an outgrowth of Judaism, it seems only fair to include the moon in our thoughts as well. Truth be told, the moon only requires about 29.5 days to revolve around the earth, and that is the duration of a moon month. In other words, twelve solar months is equal to thirteen lunar months. Every year, astronomically, and mythologically, the thirteen becomes twelve.

This number symbolism is reflected in each of the three Western religions: we have the twelve tribes of Israel plus Moses, their leader; we have the twelve apostles plus Jesus; we have the twelve imams plus the Prophet Mohammed; that is, a circle of thirteen. One of the group always departs as well: Moses isn't allowed enter the Holy Land; Judas hangs himself; and one of the imams is hidden. The circle of thirteen manifests in the world as twelve. This same symbolism is reflected at this very special time of year as well.

This is a mere reminder of our own existence as well: we have a bright, external appearance as well as a darker, hidden internal nature. We are all truly part of the cosmos, a part of the world around us. How we function and what is hidden, what we share and what we retain is up to us. What we do and the impact we have resides in us. Since time immemorial we have been given the opportunity to figure out how things are and what part we are to play in the cosmic drama. Another round has passed. Are you better ready for that world?

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